Sunday, March 20, 2011

Paul- review

Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me.
            First off I loved “Shaun of the Dead”.  “Hot Fuzz” was a lot of fun for me as well.  I thought “Run Fat Boy Run” was a miss but despite the annoying trend for Simon Pegg to pick shitty movies lately and the fact that Seth Rogan’s overexposed voice is voicing the Alien Paul I was willing to give this movie a shot.  Unfortunately all you get is a predictable movie with hit or miss jokes which are based solely on pop culture references or whether you find swear words funny.

Laughs and smiles. There is something you won't see in the "Paul" audience.
            It’s all about two comic book nerds on a road trip that come across a foul mouth alien named Paul. The alien spends most of his time spewing out pop culture references as if he was the annoying Roger character from “American Dad”.  Then Kristen Wiig joins the cast as a character who is very religious whom Paul convinces her faith is bullshit.  Having shaken her faith he teaches her to swear which comes off as awkward as any middle school student figuring out what certain words mean in the school yard.  They use them all the time and it doesn’t make them sound any more mature.

This script has no sex scene?
            That is basically where this movie falls horribly flat.  It has some funny people but the script is like something a middle school student would have crapped out after a sugar high weekend playing Nintendo games.  It’s not the caliber I expect form the team that brought us “Shaun of the Dead” which was smart and very funny.  I can only hope that the next time they bring something better to the table than “Paul”.

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