Guardians of the
Galaxy is the tenth of the Marvel cinematic universe franchise films. It is
both entertaining and funny, for the most part. While being a very watchable
film, there are still a few things that it could have improved upon. For
example, the villain was fairly one-dimensional and some of the air battle
scenes made it difficult to see what was happening.
Peter Quill/Star-Lord, played by Christ Pratt, steals an orb
that draws the attention of all manner of bounty hunter and mercenary in the
galaxy. Starlord is eventually arrested
while fighting off a few of these attackers. While in prison, he teams up with
a rag-tag group of misfits including a living tree-man, an anthropomorphic
raccoon man, a green skinned assassin woman, and psychotic thug who understands
the English language in a purely literal way.
Together they must stop an alien creature from obtaining an object that
could spell doom for many planets.
The protagonists in Guardians
of the Galaxy are a lot of fun. They are basically space pirates and each have
interesting quirks and traits that make them memorable and dynamic
characters. The only problem I found was
that the main villain was not given a lot of screen time. His costume and
make-up look great but that was not enough to make me feel that he was an unstoppable
threat. I thought Ronan’s lackey, Nebula, played by Karen Gillian, was much
more intimidating.
The action itself is fun to watch. Some of the space battles
did leave me wondering exactly what it was I was looking at. This is the sort
of movie that will give you hope for when Disney finally gets Star Wars ready
for a theatrical release. I expected to
see much more of Benicio Del Toro’s character, The Collector, but his screen
time was really bare bones. The special effects are good and the soundtrack is
even better.
As a whole I’d say Guardians
of the Galaxy is worth checking out.
The mood is fun and the movie doesn’t take itself as seriously as other
superhero movies tend to do. See it if
you can. Make sure you stay until after
the credits in order to see the silliest reveal of a character in a long time.
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