Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Thoughts on Flow

 Flow is an incredible animated movie. The film is about a group of animals surviving a natural disaster. It is beautifully animated. The narrative is easy to follow and sweet in its execution. Give it a shot if you like animated movies or enjoyed movies like, Miniscule.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Thoughts on Your Monster

 Your Monster is a rom-com about a girl falling in love with her childhood monster. It is a charming and the actors are really great. The story is a modernized Beauty and the Beast and it tells its tale in a very relatable way. Check it out if you want a different take on the standard rom-com.

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Thoughts on Sonic 3

 Sonic 3 is the latest Sonic the Hedgehog movie. There are some fun moments and humorous performances. The fight scenes drag a bit but the story itself is fine enough to carry the plot along. It isn’t high art, but your kids are going to like it. It is entertaining enough for the material it has to work with.